84thand3rd: Cherry Choc Cake deliciousness
84thand3rd: Giving Black Forest a run for it's money
84thand3rd: VanillaBean and Raspberry tower of wonder
84thand3rd: Another installment of 'don't you wish you worked with me' #cake!
84thand3rd: Banana Cake w Passionfruit, White Choc, Cream Cheese Icing - wowzers!
84thand3rd: ... For yet another work b-day. It has banana so perfectly acceptable for morning tea ;)
84thand3rd: Choc Cupcakes
84thand3rd: Cake for a friend
84thand3rd: Cake for a friend
84thand3rd: Prawn & red cap whole wheat spelt pizza
84thand3rd: Buckwheat crepe experiment for breasfast this morn - this will def make it to a post at some point! #yum
84thand3rd: Homemade Pizza Party
84thand3rd: I see your rolls @thepioneerwoman and raise you a loaf. Get it raise? #Ha! #CinnamonEnvy
84thand3rd: Smells so good, may pass out
84thand3rd: Quite possibly the best Carrot #Cake ever. You guessed it, another work b- day
84thand3rd: See what I mean ... And it has carrots so 'healthy', right? #orNot #Cake!
84thand3rd: Can I still call it #brunch if it's after 3pm? Corn fritters, poached egg, smoked salmon & avo #yum!
84thand3rd: Oh Saturday #brunch how I love you. You too #greentea
84thand3rd: Work birthday Lemon #Cake! Are you drooling? #shouldbe
84thand3rd: New #Cake!... Lemon w lemon curd & Italian meringue butter creme
84thand3rd: Breakfast on the go-Pumpkin Pie Pancake almond butter 'sandwich' w an apple #yum!
84thand3rd: Not sure you would believe me if I told you... #testing
84thand3rd: ... But you should ... #testing #chocolate
84thand3rd: Roasted 1/2 head of cauliflower. Ate 1/2 head of roasted cauliflower for dinner.
84thand3rd: QVB #high tea in Hyde Park @ syd food & wine
84thand3rd: Pane Casereccio from @brasseriebread SydFood&Wine #yum see u next weekend @eatdrinkblogau!
84thand3rd: OdeToPumpkin
84thand3rd: 'Holloween' pumpkins
84thand3rd: Best Wholewheat Bread
84thand3rd: Best Wholewheat Bread