Q's wandering...: 圣诞夜的等待 waiting at X'mas Eve
Q's wandering...: St.John 之门 gate
Q's wandering...: 上帝之光 Light from God
Q's wandering...: 上帝的使者离我很近 herald from God nearby
Q's wandering...: 圣歌声起 singing
Q's wandering...: 天使路过 angels' passing by
Q's wandering...: 走丢的小天使 little angel at lost
Q's wandering...: 故事新说 Have you heard the story before?
Q's wandering...: 耶稣的故事 the story of Jesus Christ
Q's wandering...: 天堂之路 on the way to paradise
Q's wandering...: 祈祷 praying