Katie and Joe: Clayton U.M.C. (2015)
Katie and Joe: Street Memorial U.M.C. (2015)
Katie and Joe: Court Square - Clayton, Alabama
Katie and Joe: Chatahoochee River Causeway
Katie and Joe: Eufaula Railroad Bridge
Katie and Joe: Friday Evening In Clayton
Katie and Joe: Barbour County Alabama Court House
Katie and Joe: Morning On Lake Eufaula
Katie and Joe: Morning In Clayton
Katie and Joe: Early Morning Sunlight In Fog
Katie and Joe: Lake Eufaula
Katie and Joe: Fishing Pier On Lake Eufaula
Katie and Joe: Sunset - 9-10-17
Katie and Joe: Sunrise - 9-13-17
Katie and Joe: Morning Mist On Lake Eufaula
Katie and Joe: Sunset Through Smoke
Katie and Joe: Louisville U.M.C. (2018)
Katie and Joe: Headland UMC
Katie and Joe: Thursday Morning In Clayton, Alabama
Katie and Joe: Late Afternoon On Lake Eufaula