Katie and Joe: Fort Deposit Alabama Fire Dept.
Katie and Joe: Hayneville Alabama Fire Dept.
Katie and Joe: Mack Fire Truck
Katie and Joe: Laurel Mississippi Fire Dept.
Katie and Joe: Traffic Accident at Union UMC
Katie and Joe: Yerkwood Alabama Fire Dept.
Katie and Joe: Mack C85
Katie and Joe: 1958 Mack B95
Katie and Joe: West Pensacola Florida Fire Dept.
Katie and Joe: 1946 Mack Pumper Truck
Katie and Joe: Wallace Alabama Fire Dept.
Katie and Joe: 1965 Mack C-95 Pumper Truck
Katie and Joe: West Bend - Bethel Fire Department
Katie and Joe: Silas Alabama Fire Dept.
Katie and Joe: New Hope Alabama Fire Dept.
Katie and Joe: Meridian Mississippi Fire Dept. - Reserve Engine 2
Katie and Joe: Wayne County Mississippi Fire Dept.
Katie and Joe: Aliceville Alabama Fire Dept. - Engine 202
Katie and Joe: Aliceville Alabama Fire Dept. - Engine 9X
Katie and Joe: McIntosh Alabama Fire Dept.
Katie and Joe: Mack R Series