Katie and Joe:
Coffee Springs U.M.C. (1997)
Katie and Joe:
Union U.M.C. (2007)
Katie and Joe:
Epworth U.M.C. (2000)
Katie and Joe:
Epworth U.M.C. (2000)
Katie and Joe:
McCann's U.M.C. (2007)
Katie and Joe:
Coffee Springs U.M.C. (2007)
Katie and Joe:
Gainstown U.M.C.
Katie and Joe:
Christ Episcopal Church
Katie and Joe:
First Baptist Church - Jackson Alabama
Katie and Joe:
First Baptist Church - Jackson Alabama
Katie and Joe:
First U.M.C. - Jackson Alabama
Katie and Joe:
Visitation Catholic Church - Jackson Alabama
Katie and Joe:
First Presbyterian Church - Jackson Alabama
Katie and Joe:
St. Peter's Episcopal Church - Jackson Alabama
Katie and Joe:
Union U.M.C. (2009)
Katie and Joe:
Mt. Carmel U.M.C. (2009)
Katie and Joe:
Marlow U.M.C. (2009)
Katie and Joe:
Jay U.M.C.
Katie and Joe:
First Baptist Church - Jay Florida
Katie and Joe:
Gonzalez U.M.C.
Katie and Joe:
First U.M.C. - Pensacola Florida
Katie and Joe:
First U.M.C. - Butler Alabama (2011)
Katie and Joe:
Pushmataha U.M.C.
Katie and Joe:
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Katie and Joe:
Mt. Sterling Methodist Church
Katie and Joe:
Mt. Sterling Methodist Church (interior)
Katie and Joe:
Calvary Baptist Church
Katie and Joe:
Calvary Baptist Church Spire
Katie and Joe:
Fifth Street U.M.C.
Katie and Joe:
Butler Presbyterian Church