Katie and Joe:
85th Civil Affairs Brigade
Katie and Joe:
95th Civil Affairs Brigade
Katie and Joe:
304th Civil Affairs Brigade
Katie and Joe:
308th Civil Affairs Brigade
Katie and Joe:
320th Civil Affairs Brigade
Katie and Joe:
321st Civil Affairs Brigade
Katie and Joe:
350th Civil Affairs Command
Katie and Joe:
351st Civil Affairs Command
Katie and Joe:
352nd Civil Affairs Command
Katie and Joe:
353rd Civil Affairs Command
Katie and Joe:
354th Civil Affairs Brigade
Katie and Joe:
356th Civil Affairs Brigade
Katie and Joe:
357th Civil Affairs Brigade
Katie and Joe:
358th Civil Affairs Brigade
Katie and Joe:
360th Civil Affairs Brigade
Katie and Joe:
361st Civil Affairs Brigade
Katie and Joe:
363rd Civil Affairs Brigade
Katie and Joe:
364th Civil Affairs Brigade
Katie and Joe:
365th Civil Affairs Brigade