Katie and Joe: Coffee Springs U.M.C. (1997)
Katie and Joe: Coffee Springs U.M.C. (2007)
Katie and Joe: Coffee Springs U.M.C. (2015)
Katie and Joe: Coffee Springs U.M.C. - Interior (1997)
Katie and Joe: Coffee Springs U.M.C. Parsonage (1997)
Katie and Joe: Epworth U.M.C. (2000)
Katie and Joe: Epworth U.M.C. (2000)
Katie and Joe: Epworth U.M.C. - Interior (2000)
Katie and Joe: Marlow U.M.C. (2000)
Katie and Joe: Marlow U.M.C. (2009)
Katie and Joe: Marlow U.M.C. - Interior (2009)
Katie and Joe: McCann's U.M.C. (2007)
Katie and Joe: McCann's U.M.C. - Interior (2007)
Katie and Joe: McCann's U.M.C. Parsonage (2007)
Katie and Joe: Union U.M.C. (2007)
Katie and Joe: Union U.M.C. (2009)
Katie and Joe: Union U.M.C. - Interior (2007)
Katie and Joe: Union Methodist Church Historic Marker (2007)
Katie and Joe: Mt. Carmel U.M.C. (2009)
Katie and Joe: Mt. Carmel U.M.C. - Chancel (2009)
Katie and Joe: Mt. Carmel U.M.C. Parsonage (2009)
Katie and Joe: Mount Carmel U.M.C. (2011)
Katie and Joe: First U.M.C. - Butler Alabama (2011)
Katie and Joe: First U.M.C. - Butler Alabama - Interior (2011)
Katie and Joe: Butler First U.M.C. Parsonage (2011)
Katie and Joe: Clayton U.M.C. (2015)
Katie and Joe: Clayton U.M.C. - Interior (2020)
Katie and Joe: Clayton U.M.C. - Interior (2020)
Katie and Joe: Clayton U.M.C. Parsonage (2016)
Katie and Joe: Street Memorial U.M.C. (2015)