pippicat: Hamish Haircut!
pippicat: hamish
pippicat: hamish
pippicat: hamish grooming or furry abstract
pippicat: Hamish
pippicat: hamish tummy
pippicat: Hamish
pippicat: Bailey gets a brother!!
pippicat: Bailey & Hamish
pippicat: Bailey and Hamish
pippicat: Bailey and Hamish
pippicat: Bailey and Staff
pippicat: Pippi inspects the visitor
pippicat: Misu (now nimbus) & Hami playing at the park
pippicat: Hamish & Misu (now nimbus) playing at the park
pippicat: Hamish enjoys the sun
pippicat: Misu (now nimbus) & Hami at the park
pippicat: Misu (now nimbus) & Hamish play at the park
pippicat: Nom nom nom
pippicat: Bailey stuffing her face with Hami birthday cake
pippicat: Bailey & Hamish eating bunny birthday cake
pippicat: Bunny Birthday Cake
pippicat: Hamish Birthday