Tes B I: Silver Ground Carpet
Tes B I: The mint moth (Pyrausta aurata)
Tes B I: Burnet Companion
Tes B I: White Ermine
Tes B I: Buff Ermine....
Tes B I: Buff Ermine
Tes B I: I Spy With My Beady Eye......
Tes B I: That's a high five from me.....
Tes B I: Yellow Shell Moth
Tes B I: Nemophora Degeerella
Tes B I: The Cinnabar
Tes B I: The Cinnabar
Tes B I: Small Magpie moth hiding under a nettle
Tes B I: Figure-of-Eighty Moth
Tes B I: Swallowtail Moth
Tes B I: Burnet Moths
Tes B I: Just a Bit of a Flutter.....
Tes B I: Clouded Border
Tes B I: Well Spotted
Tes B I: Peppered Moth
Tes B I: Yellowtail Moth
Tes B I: Bright-line Brown-eye.
Tes B I: Peppered Moth
Tes B I: Large Emerald
Tes B I: Large Emerald
Tes B I: Six-Spot Burnet Moth
Tes B I: Six-banded Clearwing Moth
Tes B I: Red Carpet Moth
Tes B I: Grey Chi Moth
Tes B I: The mint moth (Pyrausta aurata)