Peter W McLeod: Electrolysis
Peter W McLeod: Crucible
Peter W McLeod: Blow torch!
Peter W McLeod: Halogen reactions
Peter W McLeod: Spotting tiles
Peter W McLeod: Rates and Rhubarb
Peter W McLeod: What to do with a used dropper!
Peter W McLeod: The joy of Chemistry
Peter W McLeod: Fractional distillation of crude oil
Peter W McLeod: Creating a polymer
Peter W McLeod: Creating a polymer 2
Peter W McLeod: Alkali metals - Sodium
Peter W McLeod: Rection series - alkali metals 2
Peter W McLeod: Reaction series - alkali metals 3
Peter W McLeod: Reaction series - alkali metals 4
Peter W McLeod: Reaction series - alkali metals 5
Peter W McLeod: Preparing a sample
Peter W McLeod: IMG_1614
Peter W McLeod: Potassium combusts
Peter W McLeod: Making a salt
Peter W McLeod: Reaction takes place
Peter W McLeod: Reduction
Peter W McLeod: Reduction
Peter W McLeod: Copper Oxide experiment
Peter W McLeod: IMG_1621
Peter W McLeod: Two are better than one!
Peter W McLeod: IMG_1623
Peter W McLeod: Chemistry can be fun
Peter W McLeod: Titration
Peter W McLeod: Titration