Fred Seibert: Finn, Jake and the Ice King @ CN Upfronts
Fred Seibert: Finn Poster at CN Upfronts
Fred Seibert: Sword Promo Kit 3
Fred Seibert: Sword Promo Kit 4
Fred Seibert: Sword Promo Kit 5
Fred Seibert: Sword Promo Kit 6
Fred Seibert: Sword Promo Kit 1
Fred Seibert: Sword Promo Kit 2
Fred Seibert: Paper Finn from CN
Fred Seibert: Finn with Custom Sword
Fred Seibert: Papercraft by Logan
Fred Seibert: Cartoon Network Papercrafts
Fred Seibert: "This was gonna be my speech if I had won the Annie last night"