gillean55: Hoverfly (Heliophilus pendulus), Foulshaw Moss, 27 August 09
gillean55: Hoverfly (Sericomyia silentis), Foulshaw Moss, 27 August 09
gillean55: Hoverfly (Leucozona glaucia), High Stand Plantation, 9 September 09
gillean55: Marmalade Hoverfly, Finglandrigg Wood Nature Reserve, 14 July 16
gillean55: Marmalade Hoverfly, Kingmoor Nature Reserve, 25 May 17
gillean55: Pellucid Hoverfly, Kingmoor Nature Reserve, 30 June 17
gillean55: Helophilus trivittatus, Kingmoor Nature Reserve, 8 June 18 (1 of 2)
gillean55: Helophilus trivittatus, Kingmoor Nature Reserve, 8 June 18 (2 of 2)
gillean55: Chrysotoxum bicinctum, Miltonrigg Wood, 20 September 20
gillean55: Rhingia campestris, River Petteril, 23 April 21 (1 of 3)
gillean55: Rhingia campestris, River Petteril, 23 April 21 (2 of 3)
gillean55: Rhingia campestris, River Petteril, 23 April 21 (3 of 3)
gillean55: Leucozona lucorum, Kingmoor Nature Reserve, 19 May 21 (1 of 2)
gillean55: Leucozona lucorum, Kingmoor Nature Reserve, 19 May 21 (2 of 2)
gillean55: Rhingia campestris, Scarrowhill Wood, 29 May 21
gillean55: Hoverfly, Kingmoor Nature Reserve, 18 April 22 (2 of 2)
gillean55: Hoverfly, Kingmoor Nature Reserve, 18 April 22 (1 of 2)
gillean55: Dasysyrphus tricinctus, Kingmoor Nature Reserve, 27 April 22
gillean55: Leucozona lucorum, Carlisle, 19 May 21 (2 of 2)
gillean55: Leucozona lucorum, Carlisle, 19 May 21 (1 of 2)
gillean55: Hoverfly, Scarrowhill Wood, 23 May 23.
gillean55: Chrysotoxum bicinctum, Kingmoor Nature Reserve, 24 May 23
gillean55: Sphaerophoria, Finglandrigg Wood, 14 June 23
gillean55: Sphaerophoria, Longtown, 16 June 23
gillean55: Eupeodes, Longtown, 16 June 23
gillean55: Sphaerophoria scripta, Kingmoor Nature Reserve, 1 July 23 (2 of 2)
gillean55: Sphaerophoria scripta, Kingmoor Nature Reserve, 1 July 23 (1 of 2)
gillean55: Chrysotoxum bicinctum, Kingmoor Nature Reserve, 17 July 23
gillean55: Syritta pipiens, Drumburgh Moss, 25 July 23
gillean55: Sphaerophoria scripta, Drumburgh Moss, 25 July 23