gillean55: Opticron scope with Nikon Coolpix P5100 camera and Nippon connector
gillean55: Opticron scope with HDFT zoom eyepiece connected to a Nikon Coolpix P5100 camera.
gillean55: Vignetting test shots for a Nikon Coolpix P5100 camera connected to an Opticron scope.
gillean55: Xtend-a-View Pro WIDE Sunshade and Viewer fitted to a Nikon Coolpix P5100 camera
gillean55: Calibration curve for Opticron ES80GAED scope fitted with 20-60x HDFT zoom eyepiece
gillean55: Velbon Sherpa 750R Tripod Review
gillean55: Nikon Coolpix P5100 camera fitted with new SRB-Griturn Cable Release Bracket
gillean55: Manfrotto 190CXPRO4 Carbon Fibre Tripod with 804RC2 Head and 80mm Opticron Scope (1 of 2)
gillean55: Manfrotto 190CXPRO4 Carbon Fibre Tripod with 804RC2 Head and 80mm Opticron Scope (2 of 2)
gillean55: Manfrotto 701HDV Videoscoping Test Footage
gillean55: Manfrotto 190CXPRO4 Carbon Fibre Tripod with 701HDV Head and Opticron ES80GAED Scope
gillean55: Manfrotto 701HDV Tripod Head with 80mm Opticron Scope (1 of 3)
gillean55: Manfrotto 701HDV Tripod Head with 80mm Opticron Scope (2 of 3)
gillean55: Manfrotto 701HDV Tripod Head with 80mm Opticron Scope (3 of 3)
gillean55: Manfrotto 701HDV Tripod Head Latch Details (1 of 2)
gillean55: Manfrotto 701HDV Tripod Head Latch Details (2 of 2)