Lotte!: :-P
Lotte!: ...zzz....
Lotte!: Captiveria
Lotte!: Evil
Lotte!: Forse è solo stanchezza
Lotte!: Foto CV
Lotte!: I was so happy
Lotte!: Looking perverted
Lotte!: Lotte (me)
Lotte!: Me and the Mole
Lotte!: New hair colour
Lotte!: Paper
Lotte!: Photophobic
Lotte!: Sun and wind
Lotte!: Things will change
Lotte!: trying to seem cute
Lotte!: :-O
Lotte!: Anatra laccata
Lotte!: Grey and Red
Lotte!: Umbrella
Lotte!: Gemelle-Twin sisters
Lotte!: Trying to undestand something...
Lotte!: Revenge!
Lotte!: Remembrance of cold
Lotte!: Uncomfort
Lotte!: Popy
Lotte!: Motivate
Lotte!: My creation