Tony Mawson:
AUP 666F is a Leyland PSU3/3R with Duple Commander III body, previously used as a tow wagon by MacEwan of Amisfield, Dumfries.
Tony Mawson:
MacEwan of Amisfield, near Dumfries, operates several BMCs on school contracts. Seen here on 3 November 2019 are P55 PCV (BMC 1100FE), YJ06 VFF and YK06 AVP (both BMC 220s).
Tony Mawson:
YJ06 VFF is a BMC 220 of MacEwan, Amisfield, nr Dumfries, seen on 12 May 2019.
Tony Mawson:
Seen at MacEwan's premises at Johnfield, nr Dumfries, on 11 January 2018, are P55 PCV, a BMC, and P857 GND, a Volvo B10M-55/Alexander PS.
Tony Mawson:
W158 WTA (Scania L941B/Irizar) and P55 PCV (BMC)(originally BX08 EZK) are seen parked at MacEwan's premises at Johnfield, Dumfries, on 31 December 2017.
Tony Mawson:
OY53 RDU is an Irisbus AgoraLine of MacEwan's of Amisfield, seen at their Catherinefield premises, Dumfries, on 31 December 2017.
Tony Mawson:
K739 DAO is a Volvo B10M-55/Alexander PS of MacEwan's of Amisfield, seen outside their Catherinefield premises, Dumfries, on 31 December 2017.
Tony Mawson:
SJ04 MFV is a Mercedes Benz O814D/Transbus of MacEwan's of Amisfield, seen at their Catherinefield premises, Dumfries, on 31 December 2017.
Tony Mawson:
S47 KSM is a Ford Transit/Crystals of MacEwan's, Amisfield, seen at their Catherinefield premises, Dumfries, on 31 December 2017.
Tony Mawson:
OY53 RDU, an Irisbus AgoraLine, of MacEwan, Amisfield, Dumfries, seen on 29 October 2015.
Tony Mawson:
Seen on 29 October 2015 at MacEwan's of Amisfield, Dumfries Catherinefield premises are K739 DAO and K766 DAO (Volvo B10M-55/Alexander PS) and OY53 RDU (Irisbus AgoraLine).
Tony Mawson:
K739 DAO, a Volvo B10M-55/Alexander PS of MacEwan, Amisfield, Dumfries, seen at the operator's Catherinefield premises on 29 October 2015.
Tony Mawson:
MX06 BSY, an Optare Solo of MacEwan, Amisfield, seen in Castle Douglas on 1 May 2015.
Tony Mawson:
BX04 MZU, a Mercedes-Benz of MacEwan, Amisfield, seen in Castle Douglas on 1 May 2015.
Tony Mawson:
X167 NWR, an Optare Solo of MacEwan, Amisfield, seen in Dumfries on 23 April 2015.
Tony Mawson:
P55 PCV (new as BX08 EZK) is a BMC 1100FE of MacEwan, Amisfield, seen on 25/7/21.
Tony Mawson:
YJ06 VFF is a BMC 220 of MacEwan, Amisfield, seen at Parkgate on 25/7/21.
Tony Mawson:
YK06 AVP is a BMC 220 of MacEwan, Amisfield, seen at Parkgate on 25/7/21.
Tony Mawson:
YK55 GRT is a BMC 220 of MacEwan, Amisfield, seen at Parkgate on 25/7/21.
Tony Mawson:
YJ07 DWL (previously S10 JDO and M60 ECT) is a Bova Magiq MHD122.410 seen on the premises of MacEwan, Amisfield, on 25/7/21.