pandajill: Gracie the Destuffing Champ...
pandajill: Welsh National War Memorial, Cathays Park, Cardiff, Wales
pandajill: Walking to scatter my parent's ashes in Wales (view large)
pandajill: Overlooking the valley my mother grew up in...
pandajill: Peek-a-boo farm dog
pandajill: Energlyn Farm House, Caerphilly, Wales
pandajill: Choices...
pandajill: Miss Fluffy Pants
pandajill: Gracie is afraid of a deer antler...
pandajill: Gracie's 7th Birthday walk...
pandajill: My mother and father in the early 1960's
pandajill: Gracie lounging
pandajill: No No Bad Dog
pandajill: Gracie flaunts the fact that she won't let me brush her...
pandajill: Gracie resting on a chaise at her grandparent's house.
pandajill: Gracie and Christopher
pandajill: Gracie and Christopher again
pandajill: Tennis ball pillow...
pandajill: Common Snapping turtle
pandajill: Gracie is watching a little chipmunk
pandajill: Descending the snowhill...
pandajill: Gracie gets snow for her 6th birthday
pandajill: Gracie decided to hold my glove the entire car ride....
pandajill: Polar Snoretex - that's what Gracie thinks of this Polar Vortex thing!
pandajill: Gracie had a well visit at the vet today - she hates the vet's office
pandajill: Gracie and her new toy
pandajill: Gracie is being rude!
pandajill: Sleepy Gracie after playing
pandajill: Little beggar girl