cbjphoto: Ridgway's Rail
cbjphoto: Fish out of water.....
cbjphoto: Red-breasted Merganser
cbjphoto: Chasing off the competition
cbjphoto: Scaup in flight...
cbjphoto: Nothing better than fresh crab....
cbjphoto: Sing out loud.....
cbjphoto: Surveying the scene.....
cbjphoto: Full frame flyaway....
cbjphoto: Heated conversation.....
cbjphoto: Balance is the key to life.....
cbjphoto: Audible warning
cbjphoto: Cassin's Kingbird
cbjphoto: Checking out the scene......
cbjphoto: On the fence.....
cbjphoto: Skimming it good
cbjphoto: Gull-billed Tern
cbjphoto: Nesting material delivery
cbjphoto: Throw your wings up....throw your wings up....
cbjphoto: Scooting Scoters
cbjphoto: Victorious
cbjphoto: All alone.....
cbjphoto: In for a landing....
cbjphoto: Royal flight
cbjphoto: Eye on the prize
cbjphoto: A little drag........
cbjphoto: Grebe Profile....
cbjphoto: Free flying......
cbjphoto: Hanging out on the wire.....
cbjphoto: GBH Spread