cbjphoto: Breakfast on a Bottlebrush
cbjphoto: Costas Hummingbird
cbjphoto: In-flight portrait
cbjphoto: Male Anna's Hummingbird
cbjphoto: Allen's Hummingbird
cbjphoto: Cedar Waxwing
cbjphoto: Pause....take a moment to just be.....
cbjphoto: Food line.....
cbjphoto: Balance is the key to life.....
cbjphoto: Audible warning
cbjphoto: A little snack....
cbjphoto: Rise above life's challenges.....
cbjphoto: Stop right there.......
cbjphoto: Hovering Hummer
cbjphoto: Call me colorful.....
cbjphoto: Hover
cbjphoto: Calliope Hummingbird
cbjphoto: Bath time
cbjphoto: Black-chinned Hummingbird
cbjphoto: Sttrreetccchh
cbjphoto: Mealtime
cbjphoto: Eat up little one.....
cbjphoto: Bill cleaning.....
cbjphoto: Throw your wings up....throw your wings up....
cbjphoto: Purple treat
cbjphoto: Eye on his territory
cbjphoto: Wade in the water
cbjphoto: The Sentry
cbjphoto: Calliope Hummingbird
cbjphoto: Have we met?