Enache Armand Iustinian: Five boletus erythropus
Enache Armand Iustinian: Opalescent drops
Enache Armand Iustinian: Fungus on tree y
Enache Armand Iustinian: Verdigris agaric from Breazu Forest
Enache Armand Iustinian: Fungi in Dombrovat Forest
Enache Armand Iustinian: Life from the tree
Enache Armand Iustinian: Hypholoma fasciculare from Harghita
Enache Armand Iustinian: Galerina marginata in the Snow
Enache Armand Iustinian: Mycena inclinata flaccid
Enache Armand Iustinian: Nature is precious
Enache Armand Iustinian: Dried mushroom in low light
Enache Armand Iustinian: Another wet day
Enache Armand Iustinian: In autumn time
Enache Armand Iustinian: My natural friend
Enache Armand Iustinian: Sweet Amanita - Copy
Enache Armand Iustinian: From the forest
Enache Armand Iustinian: The Hat- Copie