patchworkgandalf: I am gorgeous
patchworkgandalf: Pasta and Janet
patchworkgandalf: Moment in time
patchworkgandalf: Happy Birthday VF
patchworkgandalf: Pasta allowed me a photo
patchworkgandalf: I have been reminded
patchworkgandalf: Happy Birthday Mrs Ducke
patchworkgandalf: Happy New Year
patchworkgandalf: "whatever"
patchworkgandalf: "You aren't doing it right"
patchworkgandalf: I will get that pesky moth
patchworkgandalf: Where is it?
patchworkgandalf: Sorry Pasta
patchworkgandalf: Because you're worth it
patchworkgandalf: Unblocked shawl
patchworkgandalf: Pasta approved
patchworkgandalf: Snuggly moment
patchworkgandalf: Pasta helping with photos
patchworkgandalf: Its good that Pasta has so much confidence in me
patchworkgandalf: Monthly Moment in Time - Apr 2010 (Pasta graciously puts in an appearance)
patchworkgandalf: I have completed a pair of socks
patchworkgandalf: Pasta has an owie
patchworkgandalf: Pasta feels that my skills are still lacking
patchworkgandalf: yes Pasta