patchworkgandalf: 2nd December
patchworkgandalf: Pasta allowed me one photo for my photostream
patchworkgandalf: Picasso - Desnudo acostado y gato
patchworkgandalf: Best birthday pressie so far
patchworkgandalf: this what happened when I clicked "I'm feeling lucky"
patchworkgandalf: Field Tree - drama queen!
patchworkgandalf: The field
patchworkgandalf: Fantastic block of the month from Fissiett
patchworkgandalf: Fantastic fabric from Nadnuk
patchworkgandalf: Took this this morning
patchworkgandalf: Wensleydale, mini mince pies, crackers
patchworkgandalf: fabric going to Nadnuk
patchworkgandalf: Block of month going to Fissiett
patchworkgandalf: there isn't much daylight around
patchworkgandalf: 5th December
patchworkgandalf: in between the downpours
patchworkgandalf: I'm feeling lucky
patchworkgandalf: loved this only because the parrot seems to be on the Dodo's head
patchworkgandalf: Petrified
patchworkgandalf: Footprint