misskellygirl38: Pat and I get the hook up for the DC Tourmobile - Dwayne our guide was fierce!
misskellygirl38: Lincoln Memorial
misskellygirl38: Lincoln Memorial
misskellygirl38: At the Lincoln Memorial
misskellygirl38: Poignant words at the Lincoln Memorial
misskellygirl38: Where MLK delivered his "I have a dream" speech
misskellygirl38: The view from where MLK stood
misskellygirl38: Abe - Dwayne told us that his hands make the ASL sign for "a" and "l". True?
misskellygirl38: One of the Greatest Presidents
misskellygirl38: The Gettysburg Address
misskellygirl38: The Lincoln Memorial
misskellygirl38: Gifts from Italy - one stands for War and one for Peace
misskellygirl38: Gifts from Italy - can't remember what they stand for. Dwayne our tour gide knew.
misskellygirl38: The Obama's backyard
misskellygirl38: The Capital - the 4th of July concert stage is there in the front
misskellygirl38: The Capital
misskellygirl38: Washington Monument
misskellygirl38: Jefferson Memorial
misskellygirl38: Jefferson Monument
misskellygirl38: FDR Memorial
misskellygirl38: FDR Memorial
misskellygirl38: FDR Memorial - the quote behind him is from Eleanor, and it has braille translation below the words
misskellygirl38: FDR's wheelchair details - it was made from a kitchen chair and bicycle/tricycle wheels
misskellygirl38: FDR Sculpture - looks like a poster I had of John Lennon with the waves
misskellygirl38: Poignant words at the FDR memorial
misskellygirl38: Me and PAt at the FDR Memorial
misskellygirl38: Me and Pat at FDR Memorial
misskellygirl38: Eco-inspiration at the FDR Memorial
misskellygirl38: Again..poignant and moving
misskellygirl38: The FDR Memorial is able to be experienced by the blind through tactile exhibits...very cool.