Baz94: web
Baz94: mirror
Baz94: Sunrise at Kingsferry
Baz94: River Swale
Baz94: Phil on the Jetty
Baz94: NSC Reflections
Baz94: Misty River
Baz94: Early Hours
Baz94: Dawn under the Sheppey Crossing
Baz94: Dawn by the Sheppey Crossing
Baz94: Dawn between the pillars
Baz94: Catching Sunrise
Baz94: The gull and the Dogfish
Baz94: An Ungraceful Landing
Baz94: Male Whitethroat
Baz94: geese????
Baz94: Oystercatcher
Baz94: Oysercatcher 2
Baz94: Misplanned Landing Pattern
Baz94: Male Whitethroat Singing
Baz94: Poppy Field
Baz94: Lightening over Kings North
Baz94: Twin towers
Baz94: Tower