Lex Eggink:
Sonsbeek bezoekerscentrum
Lex Eggink:
Bicycles 1
Lex Eggink:
Bicycles 2
Lex Eggink:
Lost bicycle
Lex Eggink:
Parking bicycles and mopeds prohibited, they will be removed
Lex Eggink:
Cycling in Groningen
Lex Eggink:
Lex Eggink:
Lex Eggink:
Openluchtmuseum: een stukje Amsterdam in Arnhem
Lex Eggink:
Een stukje Amsterdam in Arnhem / a part of Amsterdam in Arnhem
Lex Eggink:
Oud ijzer / dumped iron
Lex Eggink:
Think different!
Lex Eggink:
How about getting lost together? I know the way.
Lex Eggink:
Cycling on the dike