jmlwinder: Cranesville Swamp preserve, MD/WV
jmlwinder: Cranesville Swamp preserve, MD/WV
jmlwinder: Wetland plants: Vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry), Cranesville Swamp, MD/WV
jmlwinder: Wetland plants: Vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry), Cranesville Swamp, MD/WV
jmlwinder: Wetland plants: Gentiana linearis (narrowleaf gentian), Cranesville Swamp preserve, MD/WV
jmlwinder: Landscape layers
jmlwinder: Big pine
jmlwinder: Blue vervain
jmlwinder: Monkey flower
jmlwinder: Umbilicaria sp (rock tripe lichen)
jmlwinder: Rock with moss
jmlwinder: Rock with ferns,
jmlwinder: Orange lichen and rock
jmlwinder: Rock Maze area
jmlwinder: Rock Maze area
jmlwinder: Tree trunks and rocks in the Rock Maze
jmlwinder: Enchanted forest. Rock Maze area
jmlwinder: Texture: tree stump and rock
jmlwinder: Weathered tree stump
jmlwinder: Weathered wood with ferns
jmlwinder: Shape and texture: weathered wood
jmlwinder: Casselman River bridge (1813)
jmlwinder: Casselman River bridge (1813)
jmlwinder: Casselman River bridge (1813)
jmlwinder: Steel truss bridge (1933) on old US 40 crossing the Casselman River (explored)