jmlwinder: Infrastructure: Dulles International (IAD)
jmlwinder: Infrastructure: Memphis airport
jmlwinder: Infrastructure: railroad bridges across the Mississippi River at Memphis
jmlwinder: Sunset, MeadowLake Estate and Fish Camp, Paragould. Arkansas
jmlwinder: Moon at sunset, MeadowLake Estates and Fish Camp, Paragould. Arkansas
jmlwinder: Tree frog on the window
jmlwinder: Hummingbird guarding his feeder
jmlwinder: First fish of the trip, put him back to grow up
jmlwinder: Morning on the fishing pier
jmlwinder: Morning on the fishing pier II
jmlwinder: Crayfish mud tower
jmlwinder: Our host with a 3 1/2 pound bass
jmlwinder: Biggest fish of the trip, a 5 3/4 pound large mouth bass
jmlwinder: Bidens aristosa (bearded beggartick, western tickseed)
jmlwinder: Clouds, Bidens aristosa and grass
jmlwinder: Eupatorium serotinum (late boneset, late thoroughwort) and Bidens aristosa
jmlwinder: Passiflora incarnata (maypop, purple passionflower, true passionflower, wild passion vine) and a bumblebee
jmlwinder: Croton capitatus (hogwort, woolly croton, goatweed)
jmlwinder: Pluchea camphorata (camphorweed)
jmlwinder: Funnel weaver spider
jmlwinder: Elephantopus carolinianus (Carolina elephant's foot)
jmlwinder: Vitis rotundifolia (muscadine grape)
jmlwinder: Cunila origanoides (dittany)
jmlwinder: Moss on a rock
jmlwinder: Conoclinium coelestinum (blue mistflower)
jmlwinder: Quercus spp, (oak tree) in the eponymous meadow
jmlwinder: Late afternoon sun on the lake
jmlwinder: Fishing pier in the late afernoon
jmlwinder: Fishing pier in the late afternoon,
jmlwinder: Late afternoon clouds and contrail over oak trees