jmlwinder: Sweet 16 Fulton Street
jmlwinder: Nostrand Ave Station entrance (Alhambra Apts in background)
jmlwinder: Mosaic, Jay Street station, Brooklyn
jmlwinder: Going to a soccer game
jmlwinder: View of Manhattan from Brooklyn Heights Promenade
jmlwinder: Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge seen from the Brooklyn Heights Promenade
jmlwinder: View down the Promenade
jmlwinder: Tanker passing down the East River
jmlwinder: Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan seen from the Brooklyn Heights Promenade
jmlwinder: Brooklyn-Queens Expressway seen from Brooklyn Heights Promenade
jmlwinder: Bridges Bike Route
jmlwinder: Engine Co 224, Brooklyn Heights
jmlwinder: Fatoosh BBQ & Pizza
jmlwinder: We Love Brooklyn
jmlwinder: Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn Heights
jmlwinder: Belarusan Autocephalic Orthodox Church
jmlwinder: Fertile Crescent
jmlwinder: Atlantic Yards arena project
jmlwinder: Williamsburgh Savings Bank Tower
jmlwinder: Fulton St Bed-Stuy
jmlwinder: Halal Kitchen Chinese Restaurant
jmlwinder: Hancock St, Bed-Stuy
jmlwinder: Helianthus spp, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
jmlwinder: Helianthus spp, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
jmlwinder: Taro, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
jmlwinder: Nasturtium, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
jmlwinder: Salad greens, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
jmlwinder: Blueberry bush in fall color, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
jmlwinder: Artichokes, Brooklyn Botanic Garden,
jmlwinder: Phemeranthus calycinus (large flowered fame flower), Brooklyn Botanic Garden,