jmlwinder: Alex, Ale, Helen
jmlwinder: Ale, Sara
jmlwinder: Ale, Sara
jmlwinder: Alex, Ale
jmlwinder: PICT5659
jmlwinder: PICT5660
jmlwinder: ML w/Ali, Helen, Lester
jmlwinder: PICT5662
jmlwinder: PICT5663
jmlwinder: PICT5664
jmlwinder: Ale, grandma
jmlwinder: PICT5666
jmlwinder: PICT5668
jmlwinder: Alejandro
jmlwinder: Onee, Evie, Ale
jmlwinder: Alejandro, almost 3 weeks old
jmlwinder: Grandma and Alejandro at Tastee Diner, Silver Spring
jmlwinder: Al fresco brunch at the Tastee Diner
jmlwinder: At the Tastee Diner
jmlwinder: The ladies and Alejandro, out and about in downtown Silver Spring
jmlwinder: Grandma and Alejandro
jmlwinder: Grandpa and Alejandro
jmlwinder: Alejandro, Fathers Day 2008
jmlwinder: Grandpa and Grandma Mendez
jmlwinder: Generations
jmlwinder: Asleep
jmlwinder: Great-grandma with Ale
jmlwinder: Generations
jmlwinder: Generations
jmlwinder: Great-grandma holds Alejandro