居居之路: 合歡山日出霞光
居居之路: 竹東日出 (Sunrise in Hsinchu)
居居之路: Golden sunset
居居之路: After sunset, it become silent again.
居居之路: 火燒雲! Sky burn!
居居之路: 褐斑蜻蜓 (Asian Amberwing)
居居之路: 禪靜 (Zen)
居居之路: The Morning
居居之路: Fly me to the moon.
居居之路: What are you looking at?
居居之路: 希希
居居之路: The vanishing history...
居居之路: Happy Childhood
居居之路: Taipei street shot
居居之路: THUNDER!!
居居之路: Thunder Struck !!
居居之路: Lightening!
居居之路: Is that Zeus?
居居之路: Thunder struck!!
居居之路: Thunderstorm
居居之路: Thunderstorm
居居之路: God's hand
居居之路: Thunder Y
居居之路: Thunder
居居之路: Hiding
居居之路: 20150815-DSC_2540
居居之路: 樹鵲(Grey Treepie)
居居之路: 白環鸚嘴鵯
居居之路: An old bird
居居之路: Before sunset