bobbiker: A few other recent bikes
bobbiker: 20231214_164525
bobbiker: 1985 Signature with chrome
bobbiker: Inventory
bobbiker: Marks work space
bobbiker: Frame shop
bobbiker: Frame shop
bobbiker: Tandem from about 1985
bobbiker: 1975 Track bike. Deanna has one just like it.
bobbiker: Derelict coin-fork Gios may be for sale?
bobbiker: mid-80s Impulse
bobbiker: Good old R2-D2
bobbiker: New Mischief frame
bobbiker: New Mischief frame
bobbiker: New Mischief frame
bobbiker: Extreme clearance
bobbiker: 3D printed titanium chainstay pieces!
bobbiker: TOOB Bender for Mischief seat tubes.
bobbiker: Old tube benders for chainstays and seat stays.
bobbiker: 20231214_165418
bobbiker: Looks like a relic doesn't it? From around 1986.
bobbiker: Computer card drawers once full of tubing and lugs.
bobbiker: The guy who started it all.
bobbiker: Mark and Happy Camper
bobbiker: New bike for the kiddie.
bobbiker: 38 Front, 10 to 50 rear!
bobbiker: Disco brakes.
bobbiker: 20231214_173731
bobbiker: Still puts bar tape on one side at a time.