bobbiker: 20191022_134547
bobbiker: 20191022_141456
bobbiker: 20191022_141513
bobbiker: 20191022_141540
bobbiker: 20191022_141659
bobbiker: 20191022_141730
bobbiker: 20191022_141754
bobbiker: 20191022_141815
bobbiker: This is the overflow from the lower power house.
bobbiker: This is the overflow from the lower power house.
bobbiker: This is the overflow from the lower power house.
bobbiker: 20191022_142014
bobbiker: 20191022_142035
bobbiker: 20191022_142106
bobbiker: Like today!
bobbiker: More typical views
bobbiker: Looking upstream from the lower power plant.
bobbiker: Downstream from the lower power plant
bobbiker: Almost at water level at the lower power plant.
bobbiker: 20191022_144216
bobbiker: 20191022_144314
bobbiker: 20191022_144319
bobbiker: The Penstocks that feed the second power plant
bobbiker: Below the falls. There was a house here a couple years ago.
bobbiker: River was up to my car here a few years ago.
bobbiker: 20191022_144957
bobbiker: That's some fast moving water.
bobbiker: Fall City Bridge
bobbiker: Fall City Bridge
bobbiker: The boat ramp in Fall City