bobbiker: 20190811_115726
bobbiker: End of the pavement. Don't take the road behind the gate. Go to the right, the one that's open.
bobbiker: Here's another yellow gate. OK to go around this one.
bobbiker: Much of it was like this. Not used by cars and not maintained, but still pretty ridable.
bobbiker: 20190811_132754
bobbiker: 20190811_132814
bobbiker: A little wet last couple of days.
bobbiker: 20190811_134920
bobbiker: This route got more and more overgrown, and we ended up turning back.
bobbiker: 1010326~2
bobbiker: 1010328
bobbiker: Thicker and thicker. No go.
bobbiker: I downloaded screen shots of sections of the route, since we wouldn't have any coverage out there. Not enough detail though.
bobbiker: 1010322
bobbiker: 20190811_155339
bobbiker: West Teanaway loop 38 miles