bobbiker: Friday dinner with friends
bobbiker: Friday dinner with friends
bobbiker: Custom Masi.
bobbiker: Custom Masi.
bobbiker: Custom Masi.
bobbiker: Custom Masi.
bobbiker: Custom Masi.
bobbiker: Custom Masi.
bobbiker: Custom Masi.
bobbiker: Custom Masi.
bobbiker: Custom Masi.
bobbiker: Bianchi Specialissima
bobbiker: Cinelli with 26" tubulars
bobbiker: Cinelli with 26" tubulars
bobbiker: My Colnago Eddy being judged. It got second place in the restored category.
bobbiker: Ideor Asso
bobbiker: Matching Masis
bobbiker: Marvelous Masi
bobbiker: Gorgeous Gios
bobbiker: Beautiful Bianchi
bobbiker: Colnago ex-Velo Sport
bobbiker: Masi Special.
bobbiker: WP_20170408_09_02_51_Pro
bobbiker: Very elaborate motor-assist tandem.
bobbiker: Very elaborate motor-assist tandem.
bobbiker: Very elaborate motor-assist tandem.
bobbiker: WP_20170408_09_04_04_Pro
bobbiker: Pretty Pog
bobbiker: Neat 650B Jack Taylor
bobbiker: Neat 650B Jack Taylor