bobbiker: WP_20161202_15_46_37_Pro
bobbiker: Brake bosses by Bill Davidson
bobbiker: WP_20161225_11_23_05_Pro
bobbiker: Brake bosses by Bill Davidson
bobbiker: Campagnolo drive train
bobbiker: WP_20161225_11_23_19_Pro
bobbiker: WP_20161225_11_23_32_Pro
bobbiker: WP_20161225_11_23_44_Pro
bobbiker: Pat 76 derailleur nicely overhauled
bobbiker: WP_20161225_11_24_00_Pro
bobbiker: Bottle just for show, sorry!
bobbiker: WP_20161225_11_24_20_Pro
bobbiker: WP_20161226_09_45_49_Pro
bobbiker: WP_20161226_09_46_03_Pro
bobbiker: Campy dropouts
bobbiker: Campy 172.5 cranks
bobbiker: The TdF bottle is just for show, sorry!
bobbiker: French bar with looong reach and French stem
bobbiker: Campy post and generic French saddle
bobbiker: Brazed on Mafac brakes
bobbiker: French Reynolds decals
bobbiker: WP_20161202_15_47_12_Pro
bobbiker: Campagnolo dropouts
bobbiker: Gipemme Dual Sprint peds with NOS Christophe L clips
bobbiker: Gipemme Dual Sprint peds with NOS Christophe L clips
bobbiker: Gipemme Dual Sprint peds with NOS Christophe L clips
bobbiker: My homemade jig for brake bosses
bobbiker: My homemade jig for brake bosses
bobbiker: 099_001
bobbiker: 83ebd3755266076edaebe32618deb2a4