bobbiker: Michael Stearns 4
bobbiker: Michael Stearns 1
bobbiker: Michael Stearns 2
bobbiker: Michael Stearns 3
bobbiker: Michael Stearns 5
bobbiker: Michael Stearns 6
bobbiker: Hovering for le Grande Departe
bobbiker: Mark on Hetchins, Lane on early Paramount, Alex on Colnago Super Pantografata, and Bill on his Allegro he bought new in 1962!
bobbiker: WP_20150711_10_51_33_Pro
bobbiker: Original owner on 1962 Allegro. Bill and I went to Whitman together at different times.
bobbiker: Two tall drinkawaters on their fancy ass racing bikes.
bobbiker: Helmetless Jeff (nuthin' to protect!) and Mark.
bobbiker: WP_20150711_10_52_15_Pro
bobbiker: North Bend Matt hamming it up on his Bruce Gordon with EBB repaint.
bobbiker: Jerry on his classic Trek 710
bobbiker: Ken pounding that 88 inch gear
bobbiker: Allez allez Sur ma suite toot René herse vélo
bobbiker: the late George Gibbs Rene Herse now in good hands with Michael Stearns.
bobbiker: the late George Gibbs Rene Herse now in good hands with Michael Stearns.
bobbiker: Styling a la Rene Herse
bobbiker: My old buddy Ron on the back of his Ken Bird tandem wtih captain Rick.
bobbiker: HE RIDES! HE RIDES!
bobbiker: A rare sighting of the normally flightless Nelsoniium Millerina in full plumage.
bobbiker: WP_20150711_10_54_49_Pro
bobbiker: WP_20150711_10_55_05_Pro
bobbiker: WP_20150711_10_55_13_Pro
bobbiker: Nice Jack Taylor ladies model.
bobbiker: WP_20150711_10_59_37_Pro
bobbiker: WP_20150711_11_00_00_Pro
bobbiker: WP_20150711_11_11_34_Pro