woodosgood: Happy Hour w/ Barbara, Cindy, Colette, and Janis
woodosgood: At Lake Sumter Landing w/ Russ, Janis, Gary, Cindy, Colette, and Barbara
woodosgood: Lunch at Cody's in Brownwood w/ Russ & Colette
woodosgood: Cousin reunions - The Villages (4)
woodosgood: At Spanish Springs with Cindy, Bob and Jan
woodosgood: Joynson family cousins Eric, Bob, and Cindy
woodosgood: See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, have no fun!
woodosgood: Cousin Russ Osgood
woodosgood: In Mt Dora wi/ Russ and Colette
woodosgood: Sunset from Cindy & Gary's back yard
woodosgood: Supper at Cindy and Gary's - The Villages
woodosgood: Wildlife on Finney Nature Trail
woodosgood: Wildlife on Finney Nature Trail
woodosgood: Wildlife on Finney Nature Trail
woodosgood: Wildlife on Finney Nature Trail
woodosgood: Wildlife on Finney Nature Trail