'LPG': Yellow is Thé colour
'LPG': 780_3778
'LPG': Busy Tour and Taxis
'LPG': Flowers on branch
'LPG': Seagull before it is chased away
'LPG': Flying seagull
'LPG': Seagull chased away by child
'LPG': Sunset over Brussels' canal
'LPG': Highrise offices and homes
'LPG': 780_3903
'LPG': Proximus tower
'LPG': 780_3907
'LPG': 780_4061
'LPG': Forgotten bicycle
'LPG': Darwin inspecting "his" park
'LPG': Different species of trees
'LPG': 780_4073
'LPG': 780_4080
'LPG': Yellow
'LPG': Very flexible hornet, while another arrives
'LPG': Hornets drinking nectar
'LPG': Very yellow flowers
'LPG': Darwin, my friendly companion
'LPG': 780_4109
'LPG': 780_4113
'LPG': 780_4116
'LPG': 780_4117
'LPG': Not McDonald's
'LPG': 780_4146_01
'LPG': Rubbish can be found everywhere