'LPG': Morning in Edinburgh
'LPG': 20240613_074435
'LPG': Honk if you're horny!
'LPG': Bus company "The Hairy Coo"
'LPG': The reason why Scotland often lost against England
'LPG': 20240613_075106
'LPG': National Library shop at Lawnmarket
'LPG': In the bus, ready to leave
'LPG': Edinburgh castle from the bus
'LPG': A shop in Callander, Scotland
'LPG': _DSC4324
'LPG': _DSC4327
'LPG': Houses and mountains
'LPG': Not a mask
'LPG': One of two "Kelpies"
'LPG': _DSC4335
'LPG': A proud bird
'LPG': A bird. Does someone know its name?
'LPG': Seagulls having wet feet
'LPG': Plastic is everywhere
'LPG': Houses and a river in Callander
'LPG': _DSC4355
'LPG': _DSC4356
'LPG': _DSC4357
'LPG': Resting (nesting?) seagull
'LPG': Another castle in Scotland
'LPG': _DSC4361
'LPG': _DSC4362
'LPG': Nearly perfect symmetry of Dreadnought hotel
'LPG': Dreadnought hotel