'LPG': Amaryllis macro
'LPG': Amaryllis
'LPG': Amaryllis macro, day 2
'LPG': Amaryllis, day 2
'LPG': Amaryllis macro, day 3
'LPG': Amaryllis, day 3
'LPG': Amaryllis macro, day 4
'LPG': Amaryllis super macro from a slightly different angle and closer, day 4
'LPG': Amaryllis super macro, day 4
'LPG': Amaryllis day 5
'LPG': Amaryllis day 5
'LPG': Amaryllis day 6
'LPG': Amaryllis day 6
'LPG': Amaryllis day 6, macro
'LPG': Amaryllis in the night
'LPG': Amaryllis from above
'LPG': Amaryllis in the morning using daylight
'LPG': Amaryllis
'LPG': Amaryllis another 12 hours later
'LPG': Amaryllis another 12 hours later, other position
'LPG': Another amaryllis
'LPG': Have a close look, and you can see the disappearence of the colours
'LPG': The decay has started
'LPG': As the flower becomes ugly, the first leave starts to become strong
'LPG': Farwell amaryllis, see you next year
'LPG': Last picture of amaryllis
'LPG': When the flower was still fresh, but with the incorrect WB
'LPG': One of the last days of my flower
'LPG': Amaryllis 4
'LPG': Amaryllis 3