dschonn: sisters
dschonn: falls, crashes, pools, babbles
dschonn: walking behind the water
dschonn: foliage reaching to meet
dschonn: scale up, scale down
dschonn: gnarled tree
dschonn: creek
dschonn: smallest waterfall
dschonn: siblings
dschonn: mossy rocks
dschonn: looking at another waterfall
dschonn: big forest, little people
dschonn: through the branches
dschonn: green path ahead
dschonn: danger of wet feet
dschonn: tranquility and motion
dschonn: forested hillside
dschonn: the hobbits had just left
dschonn: berries
dschonn: parents, leaves, water falling
dschonn: silver
dschonn: view from the top
dschonn: cliff
dschonn: mixed typography
dschonn: upward
dschonn: height that dwarfs