p2-r2: Week 16, travel: avionics
p2-r2: Yeah
p2-r2: Week 14: three
p2-r2: Beak
p2-r2: Raven? Crow?
p2-r2: Young couple asleep
p2-r2: Pigeons
p2-r2: Flying high
p2-r2: Ballet
p2-r2: Eyeing the bird
p2-r2: Chaos
p2-r2: The Great Escape
p2-r2: The Border
p2-r2: Goose
p2-r2: Swans
p2-r2: Pigeons landing
p2-r2: Bored birds
p2-r2: X-Wing
p2-r2: Approaching ground
p2-r2: Curious blackbird (female)
p2-r2: Cuckoo with lunch
p2-r2: Penguin
p2-r2: Blue-bellied roller, disturbed during lunch
p2-r2: Blue-bellied roller
p2-r2: Ostrich (asleep?)
p2-r2: Open range
p2-r2: Feeling wasted
p2-r2: The crow
p2-r2: The sorcerer's apprentice
p2-r2: Week 29, chores: laundry