David's Trips: 16 HB - a pause
David's Trips: 15 HB - Sweet couple we spent time with Fred and Monica
David's Trips: 14 HB - vendor with child
David's Trips: 13B HB - more homes
David's Trips: 13A HB - homes
David's Trips: 12 HB - in the cave
David's Trips: 11 HB - docked to see cave
David's Trips: 10 HB - cool and quiet
David's Trips: 9 HB - quiet
David's Trips: 8 HB - Christmas eve, peaceful
David's Trips: 7 HB - and this too
David's Trips: 6 HB - and this
David's Trips: 5 HB - it looks like this
David's Trips: 4 HB - our cruiser
David's Trips: 3 HB - Scott
David's Trips: 2 HB - other cruisers
David's Trips: 1 Halong B - tendering to the boat
David's Trips: 67 At the cafe
David's Trips: 66 Scott in typical pose
David's Trips: 66 DG at main entrance to Hanoi Museum
David's Trips: 65 French built headquarters on the Mausoleum Grounds - Ho Chi Minh lived in a very small home near by
David's Trips: 64 B52 M , a rare example of sloganeering
David's Trips: 63 B52 M view of Hanoi
David's Trips: 62 B52 M with Scott
David's Trips: 61 B52 M
David's Trips: 60 B52 M
David's Trips: 59 B52 M
David's Trips: 58 B52 Museum Hanoi
David's Trips: 57 M. of E.
David's Trips: 56 M. of E.