blufish66: Gordon River reflection
blufish66: Kirst and Ruby in the wind
blufish66: stripey hat
blufish66: The Christmas Tree
blufish66: Christmas in the cabin
blufish66: Ruby and Janni
blufish66: silly hats
blufish66: bumps on a log
blufish66: snow on christmas day
blufish66: Cradle Mtn and Dove Lake
blufish66: Dove Lake
blufish66: Cradle Mtn and Dove Lake
blufish66: funghi
blufish66: orange funghi
blufish66: Orange Lichen
blufish66: Cradle Mtn forest
blufish66: Cradle Mtn forest
blufish66: on the walkway
blufish66: View from Tamar Island
blufish66: the birdwatcher
blufish66: Tamar wetland
blufish66: Tamar mudflat