CQUniNewsPICs: Joshua Hurst competes 2
CQUniNewsPICs: Joshua Hurst competes
CQUniNewsPICs: Joshua Hurst
CQUniNewsPICs: Joshua Pedersen competes 2
CQUniNewsPICs: Joshua Pedersen competes
CQUniNewsPICs: Dirk Holmes and a WorldSkills judge
CQUniNewsPICs: Dirk Holmes competes in Heavy Machinery category 2
CQUniNewsPICs: Dirk Holmes competes in Heavy Machinery category while chief judge Chris Wasziak (right) looks on
CQUniNewsPICs: Dirk Holmes competes in Heavy Machinery category
CQUniNewsPICs: Heavy Vehicle competitor Dirk Holmes and chief judge Chris Wasiak