CQUniNewsPICs: Reg Ross, CQCM Friends Vice President, Isobel F Gillman, CQCM Friends President Students "CQUniCares Dr John Allen Memorial Scholarship: Madeline Frankel | Bachelor of Theatre (2018 recipient) Amy Stockow | Bachelor of Theatre (2019 recipient) -
CQUniNewsPICs: Reg Ross, CQCM Friends Vice President, Isobel F Gillman, CQCM Friends President Students "CQUniCares Dr John Allen Memorial Scholarship: Madeline Frankel | Bachelor of Theatre (2018 recipient) Amy Stockow | Bachelor of Theatre (2019 recipient) -
CQUniNewsPICs: Leah Scheepers - Specialist Corporate Affairs Georgia Free | Bachelor of Nursing (2017 recipient) - Gemma Pace | Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (2017 recipient) - Hannah Vella | Bachelor of Education (Secondary) (2017 recipient) -
CQUniNewsPICs: imgpsh_mobile_save