CQUniNewsPICs: Curated coffee-table-sized book.
CQUniNewsPICs: Musclemen sculptures with projected images of QAL.
CQUniNewsPICs: Musclemen sculptures with projected images of QAL.
CQUniNewsPICs: The Rose-crowned fruit dove 2006-07 (watercolour and gold foil) artwork.
CQUniNewsPICs: Gladstone-based artist, Margaret Worthington.
CQUniNewsPICs: More than 160 people attended the launch of the ‘Margaret Worthington: Land, Air, Sand, Sea, Spirit. 40 years in Queensland’ exhibition.
CQUniNewsPICs: More than 160 people attended the launch of the ‘Margaret Worthington: Land, Air, Sand, Sea, Spirit. 40 years in Queensland’ exhibition.
CQUniNewsPICs: More than 160 people attended the launch of the ‘Margaret Worthington: Land, Air, Sand, Sea, Spirit. 40 years in Queensland’ exhibition.
CQUniNewsPICs: More than 160 people attended the launch of the ‘Margaret Worthington: Land, Air, Sand, Sea, Spirit. 40 years in Queensland’ exhibition.