Channel 3.75:
Interplanetary Bromance header card artwork framed 2/2 by MDCN
Channel 3.75:
Interplanetary Bromance header card artwork framed (back of frame)
Channel 3.75:
Interplanetary Bromance header card artwork (close-up)
Channel 3.75:
"Smoked Out" Phantom Starkiller (Killer Bootlegs) (2013)
Channel 3.75:
Sharkgut Wayne Gacy 2/20 (Killer Bootlegs 2012)
Channel 3.75:
Frankenfett (10/12/2012) (LE 25)
Channel 3.75:
Frankenfett Glow In The Dark Head & Hands (Killer Bootlegs 2012)
Channel 3.75:
Frankenfett (Killer Bootlegs)
Channel 3.75:
Killer Bootegs "Suhaimi Presents: The Gulliver's Chronicles Facebook U.S. version LE 20
Channel 3.75:
Back of card packaging of the Prophecy figures (Killer Bootlegs 2012)
Channel 3.75:
Prophecy by Killer Bootlegs 2012 International Version
Channel 3.75:
The back of the header card for the Prophecy figures for Suhaimi Presents Guillever's Chronicles Facebook Exclusive (w/3D Glasses)
Channel 3.75:
The Creature from the Black Squadron (Killer Bootlegs)
Channel 3.75:
The Creature from the Black Squadron (Killer Bootlegs) (2013)
Channel 3.75:
The Creature from the Black Squadron (Killer Bootlegs)
Channel 3.75:
Mechatard J. Napier (Killer Bootlegs)
Channel 3.75:
Purple Hearts: Sgt. Madman by Buzzard Guts @damarxtoys x @klonj
Channel 3.75:
Channel 3.75:
cardback @damarxtoys x @klonj
Channel 3.75:
@justin_hatesyou Doom Toys: Creaturetrooper (LE 6)
Channel 3.75:
Riot Priestess by @plasticpurpose
Channel 3.75:
"Worst Place" BxS vs @hotbloodpremiumgoods x @bogxsquad tee & toy set
Channel 3.75:
"Worst Place" BxS vs @hotbloodpremiumgoods x @bogxsquad tee & toy set