mitsuko_jedediah: Belles at Bach
mitsuko_jedediah: A Bach-ish fellow
mitsuko_jedediah: Musicians admiring musicians
mitsuko_jedediah: Tattooed and bewigged
mitsuko_jedediah: Operatic moment
mitsuko_jedediah: Over the wigs
mitsuko_jedediah: Flute and wig
mitsuko_jedediah: Bach self portrait
mitsuko_jedediah: Watching the music
mitsuko_jedediah: Photographable photographing
mitsuko_jedediah: To wig or not to wig?
mitsuko_jedediah: Harpo goes baroque
mitsuko_jedediah: Bach is for wearing white
mitsuko_jedediah: The outdoor green room
mitsuko_jedediah: Musicians in the wings
mitsuko_jedediah: Bach flute breakdown and the audience in costume
mitsuko_jedediah: Flautists and opera singers, yes, at a bar
mitsuko_jedediah: Paper wig and onlookers
mitsuko_jedediah: Flute and Constanza wig