mitsuko_jedediah: The tall and the small looking dapper
mitsuko_jedediah: A tall, dark stranger on a riverboat cruise...
mitsuko_jedediah: I'm on a boat!
mitsuko_jedediah: Two gents assessing the real estate as the boat gets underway.
mitsuko_jedediah: reluctant suit, smiling lace
mitsuko_jedediah: Getting their attention... where'd you get that cocktail? Get me one?
mitsuko_jedediah: riverboar conversation...
mitsuko_jedediah: ...with a cocktail
mitsuko_jedediah: ladies in hats
mitsuko_jedediah: W with his bow tie onboard the Jazz Babies' cruise.
mitsuko_jedediah: Tall and happy
mitsuko_jedediah: Who says you can't wear white on a riverboat in November?
mitsuko_jedediah: Lake view, Jazz Babies Riverboat cruise
mitsuko_jedediah: black & white & on the water
mitsuko_jedediah: Dapper boater
mitsuko_jedediah: Cupcakes? No, raffle tickets!
mitsuko_jedediah: So what? You wanna buy a raffle ticket?
mitsuko_jedediah: What's going on inside...?
mitsuko_jedediah: Maybe this guy knows...
mitsuko_jedediah: Hot jass!
mitsuko_jedediah: Aunt Ruby's Sweet Jazz Babies on the water! Better than on the rocks...
mitsuko_jedediah: Frankly, I think he's divine...
mitsuko_jedediah: Dancing on the waves of the river..
mitsuko_jedediah: Charleston awkward
mitsuko_jedediah: Watching footwork or lost in thought?
mitsuko_jedediah: raffling the Gould paper art
mitsuko_jedediah: Reading aloud some Jazz Babies lore before the raffle...
mitsuko_jedediah: Raffle shenanegains ensue...