Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Snowgums (Eucalyptus pauciflora)
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): near Scabby Lake
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Sentry Box Mountain
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Mt Mugga Mugga
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Sentry Box Mountain
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Tinderry Range
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Careys Reserve, Wee Jasper, New South Wales, Australia
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Careys Reserve, Wee Jasper, New South Wales, Australia
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Careys Reserve, Wee Jasper, New South Wales, Australia
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Careys Reserve, Wee Jasper, New South Wales, Australia
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Careys Reserve, Wee Jasper, New South Wales, Australia
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): lichen mosaic ...
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Careys Reserve, Wee Jasper, New South Wales, Australia
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Xanthoparmelia spp.
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Granite outcrops
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Lichens on Sentry Box Mountain
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Sentry Box Mtn
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Bell Long Ranger VH-BHF
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Booroomba Rocks
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Recovery of lichens after bushfire 1
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Recovery of lichens after bushfire 2
Pat McCarthy (Canberra): Acarospora citrina [IMG3508]